
Aerospace sits at the leading edge of manufacturing technology in Australia. 

The common use of exotic alloys and composite materials present unique challenges for cutting tool engineering. 

Due to regulatory constraints, aerospace manufacturers often find themselves locked into processes that can be both inefficient and costly. This can sometimes lead companies down the path of seeking the cheapest tooling, commoditizing what is the life blood of their manufacturing processes and restricting opportunities for potential efficiency gains. 

Superior tooling performance is the primary elevator of productivity in these cases. The higher value of aerospace parts makes productivity orders of magnitude more important than the sticker price of each tool.  

MuTech provides products and services to several of Australia's leading aerospace manufactures for applications from bulk material removal, to the finest most exacting detailed features and tolerances.  

For this challenging industry segment encumbered by regulation, MuTech can offer solutions within the narrow bracket that remains available to manufactures.

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